Wednesday, January 12, 2011

World Poverty

This study looks at the plight of children around the world.  It covers topics like poverty, lack of education, hunger, war, and the contrast between our world and their world.  I have included several YouTube videos and many of them have dramatic pictures of life in poverty.  Because this was designed for elementary aged students I have avoided the topic of the sex trade and graphic portrayals of violence.  

I split the topic into days that should take 30-60 minutes to complete.  I gathered the statistics from several different places.  While I do believe they are accurate, I may have some figures wrong.  Some activity ideas were taken from Connect the Thoughts: Global Poverty and Hunger.

Day 1
A Life Like Mine pg 6-17 Need for Clean Water
World Map – color 25% of the world to show those without easy access to safe drinking water

Day 2
What is poverty – 3 minute video
A Life Like Mine pg 18-25  Hunger
World Map – color 60% of the world to show people who are always hungry

Day 3
World Hunger and Poverty video
Activity:  Look around where you live.  Talk about what you see that shows you do not live in poverty
World Map – color 26% of the world to show people who are severely undernourished
Activity:  Every 5 seconds a child dies from hunger.  Using a stopwatch count out the number of children who die over 60 seconds.
Extreme Poverty and Hunger

Day 4
Introduction to WorldVision categories and let each child choose where they want to give.                                                                     
-         Earn money by selling toys/clothes/possessions
-         Earn money by doing extra chores ($1 per extra chore)
A Life Like Mine pg 26-35 – Home
World map – Color 24% of the world to show people who live in poor housing conditions or homeless

Day 5
Poverty in Africa – In Your Eyes
Activity:  Take 100 pennies and spread them out on a table into 100 different spots to represent 100 different people.  Then take the 100 pennies and give 60 pennies to two people (30 each), 40 pennies to 40 people (1 each), 58 people get nothing.  This shows the distribution of wealth in the world.
Day 6
A Life Like Mine pg 36-43 Health
World map – Color 15% of the world to show people who have no access to medical care

Day 7
A Life Like Mine pg 44-55 Education
World  map – Color 16% of the world to show primary children who are not attending school

Day 8
A Life Like Mine pg 56- 63 Play

Day 9
A Life Like Mine pg 64-73  Love
World map - Street children –Color 22% of map to show the percentage of street children of the world’s children.
We are the Children, Where is the Equality

Day 10
A Life Like Mine pg 74-81 Working                 
World map – Color 10% of the world to show children who have to work

Day 11
A Life Like Mine pg 82-89 War
World map – 90% of the world to show 90% of people who die in war are civilians
Tell Me Why  - Declan Galbraith

Day 12
Causes of poverty pg 12-13  Lack of local growth of food Connect the Thoughts Global Poverty and Hunger
Causes of poverty pg 13-14 Lack of infrastructure Connect the Thoughts Global Poverty and Hunger
The End of Poverty – Our Homework

Day 13
Causes of poverty pg 14  Lack of technology Connect the Thoughts Global Poverty and Hunger
Causes of poverty pg 14 Poverty Connect the Thoughts Global Poverty and Hunger
Causes of poverty pg 14  Lack of education Connect the Thoughts Global Poverty and Hunger
Cartoon Unicef – education

Day 14
Causes of poverty pg 15  Lack of concern or too much greed Connect the Thoughts Global Poverty and Hunger
Activity: Come up with a plan to help end world poverty and write it down.

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